Saturday 18 November 2017

Movie Review Repost -- Thor: The Dark World (2013)

I've been working on some new stuff these past few days and I promise I'll have it ready to go for next week. But for now let's have a look at the previous Thor movie, The Dark World and why I thought it was a disappointment. My thoughts on it haven't changed since 2013, though I wouldn't mind watching it again since I've kind of forgotten most of what happened in it. Enjoy.

  It's not easy to write these reviews when there's a cat sitting between you and the computer. Anyways, Thor: The Dark World! (Damn you, Willy for ruining my intro!)
  Thor 2 was OK. Really OK. It follows Thor and his girlfriend Jane Foster as they strive to defend the Nine Realms against the no-longer-dormant threat of the Dark Elves who have located the no-longer-missing ultimate weapon, the Aether. In addition to some fun new characters we're also treated to all the classic ones from the previous film, all brilliantly acted. This includes Loki, the most entertaining Marvel movie villain ever, the guy who steals every scene he's in and keeps you guessing as to what he's going to do next.
  At times the story seems rather rushed, especially in the beginning where it seems as if we're given a lot to swallow in 15-20 minutes. The same can be said of the fighting scenes; they often end abruptly with a very fast move that you can't really see. This movie also ends in a not-unpredictable cliffhanger. The mid-credits scene is a great big WTF moment and, let me tell you, the post-credits scene is pointless. Don't waste your time waiting for it.
  As with the first Thor movie, The Dark World has good special effects and is really funny when it wants to be (although some of the jokes were kind of predictable).
  Unfortunately, the film's main villain, Malekith (or Malarkey as I call him), isn't all that interesting. He commands an army of dark elves who carry cool weapons and can turn into Hulk-like monsters but wear these silly-looking masks that make me chuckle. And please tell me: why exactly do they want to destroy the universe anyways? Also, the Asgardians apparently just rebuilt the Bifrost that Thor destroyed in the previous film, thus completely validating one of my complaints from that film two years ago.
  In short, Thor: The Dark World is an OK film, but not nearly as good as the first. The story isn't as complete and the characters aren't as developed. In the first Thor movie, characters learn lessons and go through changes. The sequel, on the other hand, is just one of those good-guy-fights-bad-guy movies. But for what it is, it's entertaining enough and worth seeing once.

Rating: three stars out of five.

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