Saturday 17 September 2016

Video Game Glitches Part 3 - Getting Stuck

And now, ladies and gentlemen, we come to the final part of my video game glitches series: Getting Stuck. Pretty much all video games have this problem. Sometimes it can be game-breaking, other times it can be pretty funny and cause some wonky physics problems. Here's the instances of getting stuck that I happened to catch on camera.

Like Rainbow Six Vegas 2, Alpha Protocol (2010) is a buggy game that often has that unfinished feel to it. It's not uncommon at all to see people glide around, jitter back and forth, and get stuck. Here's a picture of a guy whose corpse is saw get stuck in a wall. His head and right arm were inside the wall and his body was jiggling around as it moved higher and higher up the wall. Needless to say, it was pretty funny. Trust me.
Brothers in Arms: Hell's Highway (2008) is a fairly solid game. I haven't seen many glitches there with the main exception being this one. On one of the final missions I was leading my squad in attacking a German position near a windmill. I looked at my map and was confused when it told me my assault team wasn't following me even though they appeared to be at my side. Then I learned why: one guy – Zanovich, I think – had his head stuck in a bridge. Thanks, game. With him out of action... oh who am I kidding? The level was still pretty easy.

And again, for the third time, we have Gears of War 2. Like I said before, I played tons of GoW2's multiplayer so I saw all sorts of insane things. This includes people getting stuck. A lot of people getting stuck. Amusingly, this often included people becoming trapped in the ground, like Dizzy and Carmine here. At least Dizzy was able to still defend himself. Carmine, on the other hand, is only able to occupy the hill and wait for a locust to headshot him eventually.
Finally we have a rare glitch from the original Splinter Cell (2002). This was at the end of one of the Chinese Embassy missions. To exfiltrate, you need to climb over a wall and then enter this van. The problem was that I was spotted by the guards as I was climbing the wall and I took damage from their shots. Just as I was approaching the van, the alarm went off. For some reason, this made Sam want to climb onto the rear bumper and just stay squating there. I had no choice but to reload my last checkpoint and try it again. Thanks a lot, Sam.
And thank you guys for reading this series of mine. Hope you enjoyed it. Game on.

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