Saturday 19 March 2016

Retrospective Movie Review – Meet the Fockers (2004)

   The poster featuring Ben Stiller holding his face in anguish sums up, better than words, my feelings on this film. (Just for the record, I did see Meet the Parents and it was very average.)
   So the plot of this movie involves the engaged Greg and Pam taking Jack and Dina (Pam's parents) to Florida to meet Bernie and Roz (Greg's parents). Oh yeah, they're also taking their baby nephew for some reason (so we can have dumb baby jokes); it's only explained with, like, one throw-away line that I can't remember. So the parents – in particular the Jack and Bernie – don't get along too well mostly because the Byrnes's are patriotic conservatives and the Fockers are careless sex-crazed hippies. It turns out that Pam is pregnant, but everyone tries keeping it a secret from Jack who made Greg promise not to have sex with her until after the wedding (which directly contradicts a conversation Greg and Jack had in the first movie!). Jack suspects that Greg may have had an affair at the age of 15 with his parents' housekeeper, especially since the housekeeper's 15 year-old son, Jorge, bears an uncanny resemblance to him. Ew. At one point Greg is left to babysit his nephew and low-brow humour ensues: the baby watches Scarface, plays around with rum, and learns how to say the word “asshole”. I don't know if it was just special effects or they really got a baby to say that word, but either way it just wasn't worth it.
   In fact that's one of the main problems with this film; the jokes are often immature and sophomoric. Here's some examples. Two men using the same bathroom at once. Roz teaching sex therapy to old people. Trying to hide statues of naked people from Jack. Dogs getting flushed down a toilet. Greg's 30 year-old foreskin being saved in a baby scrapbook. You see what I'm getting at here? Also, it's never a good sign when movie characters are having an overly drawn-out, supposedly “hilarious” conversation and one of the characters (usually embarrassed) suggests hurrying it up and I find myself agreeing, “Yes! Just get to the point! This isn't funny at all!”
   Even the characters are boring. Simply put, every character in this movie is either an idiot or just an incompetent jerk. Bernie is the former (he ignores/forgets his son's requests to not disturb the Byrnes's with his overly-loud sex upstairs), Jack is the latter (he's made a hobby out of trying to break up his daughter's engagement as well as being a terrible grandparent), and Greg is a bit of both.    Before seeing this movie I always thought Meet the Fockers was a chick flick, but as it turns out it isn't. All of the female characters in this movie are one-dimensional and have been reduced to secondary character status, which is kinda dumb; I mean Pam is basically in the same boat as Greg here! As for the acting, this movie sure does have some big name stars but their talent is mostly wasted. As I said before, the female characters blend into the background. Ben Stiller's performance is pretty standard. Nevertheless, the best performances are easily Robert DeNiro (Jack) and Dustin Hoffman (Bernie). There's noticeable chemistry going on between these two. Hoffman looks like he's having a lot of fun with his role. DeNiro isn't as good, but you can tell he's trying.
   Anyways, back to the plot. After the disastrous babysitting scene, Jack loses all trust in Greg and resumes spying on him just like in the last movie. So much for character development. He sets up cameras around the house and steals samples of both Greg's and Jorge's DNA for parentage testing. (Is it worth questioning why the CIA keeps sending Jack high-tech spy gadgets even though he's retired? Tax dollars at work...) Jack then forcibly injects Greg with truth serum which causes him to run his mouth in front of everyone at his engagement party, embarrass his family, and ruin the whole party much to Jack's amusement (told you he's a jerk). When everyone finds out what Jack did, Dina admits that everyone deliberately kept Pam's pregnancy a secret from him. (This guy is supposedly an expert in telling when people are lying to him, yet he couldn't even figure that out? Worst CIAgent ever!) Betrayed, Jack takes the baby and starts driving home to go mope by himself like a baby. Long story short, Bernie and Greg catch up with him and they all make amends since it turns out that Greg isn't really Jorge's father. And so our movie ends with Pam and Greg being married by Owen Wilson, Pam's ex-fiancee. Oh yeah, and the Byrnes's learn a few moves from Roz. Thank you for that.
  So, was there anything that this film did right? Well, the part towards the end with the high-strung highway patrolman who tasers everybody was kind of funny. Also the part where it shows Roz's and Bernie's display of Greg's unimpressive childhood awards was a curious idea; it's both funny and touching at the same time. And again Hoffman and DeNiro do a decent job at their roles. On the whole, this movie takes way more risks than its prequel; it's definitely not as forgettable as the first,
but it is way more low-brow and a little too outrageous. There are scenes that go on for way too long in the hopes of getting out a cheap laugh and it's otherwise impressive cast is wasted portraying thoroughly unlikeable characters. In short: it's focking lame.

Final rating: one star out of five.

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