Wednesday 2 November 2016

Movie Review - Jack Reacher: Never Go Back

   I didn't know a thing about Jack Reacher: Never Go Back going in. I didn't even know it was a sequel to something until about one day before buying the ticket. All I knew was what I saw in the trailer: that it had Tom Cruise in it and that he apparently punches the lights out of pretty much everyone he encounters. Seriously, watch that trailer; he really does nothing but knock everyone out. Kind of hilarious, really. It's as if the trailer is a spoof of mystery-action movies or something. But am I here to review trailers or movies? Stay focused, Tony.
   Thankfully, Never Go Back is a film that one can understand without having to watch its prequel. This movie follows the freelance military investigator Jack Reacher who, along with his colleague Major Susan Turner, is on the run in the US after being framed for espionage. But Jack also has his hands full taking care of a little (possible) family matter. It's an adventure that involves occasionally funny lines, but it also involves characters arguing at the drop of a hat at the littlest, most inconsequential things just like YouTube comments. The actual mystery that's uncovered is not very interesting with a total “no duh” conclusion, which is surprising given that this film is actually based directly on one of the books. And lastly, the whole thing is very uneven in a tonal/emotional sense, especially given how the movie – in particular, the final subplot – ends. The ending tries going for this big emotional, tug-at-your-heartstrings moment which the movie doesn't really earn at all. Speaking of which, who is Candice Dayton? How does she know Jack? And why did she choose Jack to file (spoiler) suit against him?
   One thing Jack Reacher 2 does have going for it is its likeable main cast. Tom Cruise, who at this point is I think trying to beat Roger Moore in the race for most leading roles in a spy film, is fun as always. Cobie Smulders is still just a little wooden at times, but you can tell she's trying and she does have good chemistry with Cruise. And then there's Danika Yarosh. She does an alright job. It's just too bad her character swings back and forth from being really smart to really dumb between scenes. The rest of the cast is unremarkable, and the villains are pretty stock for an action film.
   The action scenes are decent; they're edited competently enough. However, the rest of the film has some mildly choppy editing at times: e.g. cutting at certain points where there could have just been one uninterrupted shot. Also, while this movie isn't too effects-heavy, the effects it does have are well done.
   In conclusion, Jack Reacher: Never Go Back is a wholly unnecessary sequel with a formulaic plot and an overall generic feel. It's forgettable. Only a few decent action scenes and the main cast's likeability are what saves this film from “dead on arrival” status. And for those thinking that this franchise has a future ahead of it, I'd recommend employing the advice found in this movie's title.

Grade: two-and-a-half out of five.

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